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Saturday, October 6, 2012

How to make a favicon for your blog

This blog is my first blog and I'm still a noob somehow xD
Realized that I should have a tiny pic like many websites and blogs have next to their URL address. I searched on Google and dived into many HTML codes. I was so confused why blogspot already has a section for favicon and you just need to add your own, then what are those HTML codes for?... Well, they are for websites, not blogspot :D

There are many sites you can get a favicon easily, one of them is
But I want to make my own so now the point is to resize an image to get a tiny favicon. After several tries with a few photo programs like Picasa, Paint....I found a site to generate favourites icon easily and quickly
Just click Browse to upload your favourite pic and choose your favourite size, then hit Generate Favicon.

Feel pleased with the look? You can save it. The tiny pic will have as a name
Last step go to Design page, Layout bar and hit Edit button next to Favicon section, upload your favicon and save.
Enjoy xD

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