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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How to add social media icons to the bottom of each blog post

I've put some effort on my social networking for a few months. Collecting and testing every tips I found here and there from experienced bloggers... They say the " Call to action " buttons work well. It's a good way to get more followers to your social network.  Getting social media sharing button beneath each post is easy with some social bookmarking services now, just add an HTML code to a widget. How about social media follow button or social media icons which encourage readers to join your social network? Sure I don't want to manually add them to every post. Yeah... it's the blogger template HTML work. (again)

Social icons beneath post tutorial

Basically, you can use the HTML code of your social media icons that often stay above the fold of your side bar. But I like to have a little state about " Call to action " besides the cute and tiny buttons plus a weekly analytics so I decided to grab Addthis follow button. It's quite simple, just fill your social id in the form, check and get the generated code. 

Here's the process to add your follow button to the bottom of each post.
  • Go to Blogger dashboard > Template> Edit HTML ( better backup your blog template first )
  • Hit Ctrl + F , search for this: <data:post.body/>  If your blog post has jump break inserted ( like mine ), you'll find 2  <data:post.body/>  tags. This works with the second one.
  • If you want to put the follow buttons below your post title, copy and paste the HTML code above the <data:post.body/> tag. For the bottom position of each post, paste the code below the <data:post.body/> tag
 This is the highlighted code I pasted below the <data:post.body/> tag (See mine at the bottom of this post)
  •  Hit Preview template, satisfied? Save template and enjoy :)

In case you still don't have your customized social media icons, check out these tutorials

Don't forget to connect

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