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Friday, September 27, 2013

How to add ads code below post title in blogger

I've been thinking of ways to display ads effectively on this blog. Many says the spot just below a post title is the best place...hmm so give it a go then.
I tested this with a few ads code from different ads network and it works (not just for Adsense ads)

    First of all, go to your ad network account and select an ad unit you want to put below your post title.

    • After that, copy that the parsed code
    • Go to Blogger dashboard > Template> Edit HTML ( better backup your blog template first )
    • Hit Ctrl + F , search for this: <data:post.body/>  If your blog post has jump break inserted ( like mine ), you'll find 2  <data:post.body/>  tags . Just paste the parsed code right above the second one.
    • In case you want to center your ad, place these above and below the ad code:
    <div style="text-align: center; margin: 10px 0 10px 0;"> 
    Your parsed ad code </div>

    The highlighted section is the code i pasted
      • Save template and you're done :)
      Note: If you like to put your ads code at the bottom of every post. Instead of adding the parsed code above the <data:post.body/>  tag, place it right below that tag!

      You may want to read: How to add social media icons to the bottom of each blog post. 


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