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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How to add a Feedly follow button to your blog

So I added a Feedly follow button on the side bar in order to give my readers another choice to follow this blog. As a blogger, you may want to add a Feedly follow button whether you use Feedly as your reader or not. Getting an account is very easy, just visit their homepage: Feedly

Here's a little tip about getting the follow button.

Select your button

Copy and paste your blog RSS feed.

If you click " Find out how to find you feed URL here ". There may be a bit confusing ( I did ), you don't need to find your blog feed in feedly,  all you need is just your blog RSS feed.

Click and copy the HTML code.

Then go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Add a gadget > HTML/JavaScript, paste that code and save.
Enjoy xD

Don't forget to connect

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