
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Liebster blog Award

First of all, I want to say a big thank to Sandy from for having nominated my blog for this cute award.
"Liebster" means "dearest" in German, it's a blogger to blogger award. There are varied versions of this honorary award online and the nominees can decide to participate or not.

I decided to participate in the question and answer process but not the nomination part. Since it's quite hard for me to choose which blog which less than 200 followers for nomination as well as create 11 questions for them to answer. 

And here are the questions that I was asked and answered.

1.  What do you like best about yourself?
     I'm progressive.

2.  What is your favorite holiday and why?
     The biggest holiday in Asian is Lunar new year ( aka Chinese new year) and I love it.

3.  When you go out to dinner, what is your favorite restaurant?
     Any restaurant with good (Chinese) food.

4.  What is your favorite color?
     Just pick one color? Then my answer is: rainbow color.

5.  If you could do something special for someone, what would it be?
     Craft or cook for them. For me it's the sweetest.

6.  What is your favorite dessert to prepare for yourself and your family?
     Yogurt or ice cream.

7.  What is the craft that you enjoy the most out of all that you do?

8.  What is your favorite movie?
     Recently I'm moved by a Steven Spielberg's film: War horse.

9.  If you could go back in time, what would you do different?  Just one little thing!
     Maybe nothing, maybe I would like to spend more time for studying :P

10.  What book inspires you?
       It's a hard question. I have been reading many books, every book is a great source of knowledge and inspiration.

11.  What is your favorite flower? 
       Any kind of cactus' flower.

Have a nice day, everyone :)


  1. Hi!! I loved your answers and the definition of the word...I must say, I did not look up...shame on me! Jen of Jam Made did, and so did you....good girls!

    Much like yourself, I didn't want to nominate either! is work, and it tugs at the heart strings because everyone's blogs are special and important...

    Enjoy your badge and have a great Sunday! Your a wonderful person and I wish I had studied more too! Ha Ha....Sandy

    1. I'm glad to see we have things in common lol. You're a very thoughtful one!
      Looking forward to your new valuable posts :)


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